December 30, 2012

Los Cuatro Caminos

I. Meaningful Work
Self-directed activity that nourishes community health and renews the individual.
II. Wholesome Local Food
Food by the community for the community.
III. Appropriate Technology
Open-pollinated seeds, bicycles, hori-hori’s and hand scythes.

IV. Inter-generational/Cross-cultural Dialogue and Cooperation
Growing, preparing, and eating food as participatory community action.

Shoshin (A Beginner's Mind) Farm and Garden Services

 "In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, in the expert's mind there are few."
                                                                                                  shunryu suzuki

Eddie Roscoe

Agricultural Boom in Romania

December 17, 2012

Studies: Bike Lanes May Benefit Small Businesses

Cuatro Caminos Collective

*Meaningful Work,
*Wholesome Local Food,
*Appropriate Technology,
*Intergenerational/Cross-Cultural Dialogue and 

December 12, 2012

Case Study: Groningen, Netherlands

Cuatro Caminos Collective

*Meaningful Work,
*Wholesome Local Food,
*Appropriate Technology,
*Intergenerational/Cross-Cultural Dialogue and 

December 09, 2012

Pedal Powered Produce, West End-Santa Rosa

Pulled in some fresh produce from Sebastopol last night. Had some storing beets, kohlrahbi, chard, kale, lettuce, sorrel, radishes, baby turnips.
More to come.

Cuatro Caminos Collective

October 08, 2012

Hessel Grange Grower's Exchange (Sebastopol) - October 10th

Hi everyone,
Here we are, almost October 10th and our last exchange is this coming Wednesday. 
Remember our 'Close of the Season' potluck dinner is scheduled at Denny and Jennifer Hunt's ( Blankity Blank Potatoes - 4784 Blank Road) house on October 17th from 5-9 p.m.  Please bring your favorite potluck dish and whatever you would like to drink. 

The Hessel Grange Community Grower's Exchange
Everyone is invited! Bring your neighbors and friends!
Come join us at the Hessel Grange Community Grower's Exchange where you can meet your neighbors who grow good food and then trade what they have extra.
Hessel Grange 5400 Blank Rd every Wednesday at 4:30 to 6:30PM through October 10th.

The Grower's Exchange started several years ago with neighbors getting together and trading their extra veggies.  We have grown since and continue to encourage knowing where your food comes from.

There is no cost to participate and you don't need to bring anything to attend.  Some of your neighbors just enjoy the afternoon learning about what grows well in our area and pick up some good information for their own gardening adventures.  We have lots of veggies, plants, eggs, potatoes from Blankity Blank Potatoes, apples, herbs and a variety of jams and pickled products.  Use your imagination - exchanging works! 

Not everyone attends every Wednesday and some only come once during the whole season. You never know what to expect, but you can expect to meet some friendly people, get some outstanding home grown food and have a good time. 


You will enjoy the company!
Please contact Jeannine at 829-7659 for more information.

Cuatro Caminos Collective

*Meaningful Work,
*Wholesome Local Food,
*Appropriate Technology,
*Intergenerational/Cross-Cultural Dialogue and 

October 03, 2012

Hessel Grange Grower's Exchange-Sebastopol

Cuatro Caminos Collective

Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2012 00:36:42 -0400 (EDT)
To: <>
Subject: Hessel Grange Grower's Exchange - September 25th

Hi everyone,
Denny and Jennifer Hunt of Blankity Blank Potatoes will hold a 'Close of the Season' potluck dinner at their house on October 17th from 5-9 p.m.  Please bring your favorite potluck dish and whatever you would like to drink. 
October 10th will be our last exchange - see you all there.....

The Hessel Grange Community Grower's Exchange
Everyone is invited! Bring your neighbors and friends!
Come join us at the Hessel Grange Community Grower's Exchange where you can meet your neighbors who grow good food and then trade what they have extra.
Hessel Grange 5400 Blank Rd every Wednesday at 4:30 to 6:30PM through October 10th.

The Grower's Exchange started several years ago with neighbors getting together and trading their extra veggies.  We have grown since and continue to encourage knowing where your food comes from.

There is no cost to participate and you don't need to bring anything to attend.  Some of your neighbors just enjoy the afternoon learning about what grows well in our area and pick up some good information for their own gardening adventures.  We have lots of veggies, plants, eggs, potatoes from Blankity Blank Potatoes, apples, herbs and a variety of jams and pickled products.  Use your imagination - exchanging works! 

Not everyone attends every Wednesday and some only come once during the whole season. You never know what to expect, but you can expect to meet some friendly people, get some outstanding home grown food and have a good time. 


You will enjoy the company!
Please contact Jeannine at 829-7659 for more information.

September 17, 2012

GE News: Uneasy allies in the grocery aisle

Cuatro Caminos Collective

From: Ecological Farming Association <>
Sender: "Ecological Farming Association" <>
Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2012 18:16:29 +0000
To: Cuatro<>
ReplyTo: Ecological Farming Association <>
Subject: GE News: Uneasy allies in the grocery aisle

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The Genetic Engineering News is produced by the Ecological Farming Association
and supported by a generous donation from the Newman's Own Foundation.  

Click here to sign up for this news list and other news from EFA.

Comments from
This New York Times article notes that, "The European Union has required such biotech labeling since 1997, and companies by and large have formulated their products so that they do not contain any genetically engineered ingredients and thus do not need labeling. Also, David Byrne, the former European commissioner for health and consumer protection, has said that there was no impact on the cost of products."

That point has been reinforced by Professor Chris Viljoen, a GM testing expert, who says, "There has never been a documented report that genetic modification labelling has led to a cost increase in food anywhere."


Uneasy allies in the grocery aisle

By Stephanie Strom
This article was originally published in the New York Times on September 13, 2012.  

Giant bioengineering companies like Monsanto and DuPont are spending millions of dollars to fight a California ballot initiative aimed at requiring the labeling of genetically modified foods. That surprises no one, least of all the proponents of the law, which if approved by voters would become the first of its kind in the nation.

But the companies behind some of the biggest organic brands in the country - Kashi, Cascadian Farm, Horizon Organic - also have joined the antilabeling effort, adding millions of dollars to defeat the initiative, known as Proposition 37.

Their opposition stands in sharp contrast to smaller, independent organic companies, which generally favor labeling products that contain genetically modified organisms, or G.M.O.'s. And it has raised a consumer reaction on social media that has led some of the organic brands to try to distance themselves from their corporate parents.

"We want to be clear that Kashi has not made any contributions to oppose G.M.O. 
labeling," the brand said in a statement issued late last month after its Facebook page was inundated with comments from consumers saying they would no longer buy its products because its corporate owner, the Kellogg Company, has put more than $600,000 into fighting the ballot initiative.

But as recently as last week, consumers were still peppering the sites of Horizon, owned by Dean Foods; the J. M. Smucker Company, which has a number of organic products, and Kashi with expressions of betrayal and disappointment. "It is unconscionable for you to be funding the effort to defeat Proposition 37," one post said.

"Consumers aren't always aware that their favorite organic brands are in fact owned by big multinationals, and now they're finding out that the premium they've paid to buy these organic products is being spent to fight against something they believe in passionately," said Mark Kastel, a co-founder of the Cornucopia Institute, an organic industry watchdog and farm policy group that has been tracking corporate contributions in the ballot fight. "They feel like they've been had."

The uproar highlights the difference between large organic brands that have driven the double-digit growth of the organic market and the smaller, independent businesses and farms that most shoppers envision when they buy an organic peach or shampoo - companies like Nature's Path, one of Kashi's largest competitors.

Although certified organic products are prohibited by law from containing genetically engineered ingredients, organic companies generally favor the labeling law, contending that consumers have a right to know what is in the products they buy. What is left unsaid is that it may also be a marketing advantage for organic companies, distinguishing them from conventional food producers.

The parent companies, among them Kellogg, General Mills, Dean Foods, Smucker's 
and Coca-Cola, declined to talk about their opposition to the labeling initiative, which is on the November ballot, referring questions to Kathy Fairbanks, the spokeswoman for the No on 37 campaign.

Last week, the organization released a study it had commissioned that estimated the initiative would add $1.2 billion in costs for California farmers and food producers. Ms. Fairbanks said that the higher costs could add as much as $350 to $400 to an average family's grocery bill.

In addition, she said, the opponents believe the labeling would heighten what they call unfounded concerns about the safety of genetically engineered crops.

The European Union has required such biotech labeling since 1997, and companies by and large have formulated their products so that they do not contain any genetically engineered ingredients and thus do not need labeling. Also, David Byrne, the former European commissioner for health and consumer protection, has said that there was no impact on the cost of products.

But for more than a decade in the United States, most processed foods like cereals, snack foods and salad dressings have contained ingredients from plants whose DNA was manipulated in a laboratory. Regulators and many scientists say they pose no danger.

Americans, however, are becoming much more aware of the role that food plays in their health and well-being, and consequently want much more information about what they eat, including whether it contains genetically engineered ingredients as well as salt and trans fats. So far, opponents of Proposition 37 have committed roughly $25 million to defeat it, with the largest contributions coming from Monsanto ($4.2 million) and DuPont ($4 million), which have made big investments in genetically engineered crops.

Several food companies are not far behind. PepsiCo, Nestlé, ConAgra Foods and Coca-Cola, which owns the Odwalla and Honest Tea brands, have each put more than $1 million in the fight, while General Mills, which owns organic stalwarts like  Muir Glen and Cascadian Farm as well as popular upstarts like Lärabar and Food Should Taste Good, has spent more than $900,000.

"We believe labeling regulations should be set at the national level, not state by state," General Mills said in a statement on its Web site.

Supporters of the measure thus far have mustered only $3.5 million from donors like Organic Valley, which has given $50,000, and Clif Bar and Amy's Kitchen, which each have put in $100,000.

On Tuesday, Whole Foods, the retail mecca of the organic and natural foods movement, said it supported the California proposal, though with some reservations over the details - and without putting any money into the effort in accordance with its policy, a spokeswoman said.

Nature's Path, an independent business, has put more than $600,000 into supporting the ballot initiative - even though it is a Canadian company. Some 70 percent of its sales and most of its production take place in the United States, said Arran Stephens, president of the company, but that is not why it is one of the biggest supporters of Proposition 37.

"We get to know what the salt content of our food is and the nutritional content, and producers have to state whether there are preservatives in it," Mr. Stephens said. "But in the case of genetically modified organisms and whether they are in a product or not, we don't know."

Ronnie Cummins, founder and national director of the Organic Consumers Association, which represents some 850,000 members, said he expected the food  and biotech companies that oppose the measure to spend roughly twice what they  have already contributed by the time of the Nov. 6 election.

Nonetheless, Mr. Cummins said he expected it to pass. In a poll of 800 likely California voters in July by the California Business Roundtable and Pepperdine University, 64.9 percent said they were inclined to vote in favor of Proposition 37 based on their knowledge at that time.

"The more ads they put out, the more they remind people that they're already eating foods with G.M.O. ingredients in them," he said.

Brand experts say the companies also risk tarnishing the very brands that they have worked so hard to keep separate from their conventional businesses, if at all possible keeping their corporate ownership to microscopic print buried somewhere on a Web site.

"In a world where everyone can see everything, you can't have silos any more, you can't have one side of the company doing one thing and the other doing something else," said Allen P. Adamson, managing director at Landor Associates. "People will look for inconsistencies and call you out on it."

The Organic Trade Association supports labeling food products that contain genetically engineered ingredients even though two of its board members are from companies - Dean Foods and Smucker's - that oppose the California ballot measure.

Christine Bushway, the association's executive director, said the issue was fairly clear-cut for the organization, since genetically modified organisms are banned from organic foods. "Our question has always been, if companies don't feel that G.M.O.s are in any way an issue for consumers, what is the concern about putting them on the label?" Ms. Bushway said.

She said that as a trade association, the organization did not typically put money into campaigns.

Just Label It, an organization that has fought for genetically engineered labeling nationally since 2011, came out in support of the ballot measure on Wednesday - but it also will not put money into the fight. Gary Hirshberg, the campaign's chairman and also chairman of Stonyfield Farm, the organic dairy brand now owned by Dannon, said his organization had already used much of its resources by the time the California initiative got under way.

"To be candid with you, I understand exactly what they're trying to accomplish, and I'm supportive of their goal, but I don't believe that in the long run we can solve a problem like this on a state-by-state level," Mr. Hirshberg said. "Even if California succeeds, and we hope it does, there is still a national policy question before us."

Others say that the reason the food and biotech companies are investing heavily to fight the ballot measure in California is because that market is so large that it would effectively cause them to adopt labeling or reformulate their products nationally. "That's why they are fighting this so hard," Mr. Kastel said.

A version of this article appeared in print on September 14, 2012, on page B1 of the New York edition with the headline: Uneasy Allies in the Grocery Aisle.


The GE News Service is aggregated and distributed by EFA Board Member Thomas Wittman.  Thomas created this service in 1991 to provide the latest news about genetically engineered foods and the movement advocating for labeling and public awareness.  To contact Thomas, email

The Ecological Farming Association nurtures healthy, just food systems and communities
by bringing people together for education, alliance building, and celebration.  
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September 13, 2012

Fw: Occupy Monsanto blockades Monsanto seed distribution facility, shuts it down

Cuatro Caminos Collective

From: Ecological Farming Association <>
Sender: "Ecological Farming Association" <>
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2012 18:11:37 +0000
To: Cuatro<>
ReplyTo: Ecological Farming Association <>
Subject: Occupy Monsanto blockades Monsanto seed distribution facility, shuts it down

Receive the latest news about genetically engineered foods. Email not displaying correctly?
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The Genetic Engineering News is produced by the Ecological Farming Association
and supported by a generous donation from the Newman's Own Foundation.  

Click here to sign up for this news list and other news from EFA.

Dear Readers,
This is so amazing - people all over the world are helping us to finally get GE foods labeled here in the US, one of the last hold outs.  It is incredible to me that our nation still is hiding the fact that our food supply has been polluted with ingredients (GMOs) that we have a right to know about.  Maybe we are the last great market for this technology that helps no one except the corporations that make them and may cause a national health disaster beyond belief.  As more studies come out it is becoming clearer that we need seperation of these foods.
Thank you Occupy Monsanto!



Occupy Monsanto blockades Monsanto seed distribution facility, shuts it down

This article was originally published by Occupy Monsanto on September 12, 2012.

On Wednesday, September 12 the Genetic Crimes Unit (GCU) shut down shipping and receiving access points at Seminis's Oxnard seed distribution facility, which is 
a subsidiary of Monsanto and located at 2700 Camino Del Sol. By peacefully 
blockading the exit and access points the group effectively shut down the 
distribution of genetically engineered (GMO) seeds for a day.

Monsanto is the largest producer of GMO seeds and is being called out for their 
genetic crimes by a network called Occupy Monsanto. Today's protest is the 
beginning of a series of over 65 different autonomous actions that officially 
start on September 17, a year since Occupy Wall Street movement began. Actions 
are planned throughout the world including the US, Germany, Canada, India, 
Paraguay, Philippines, Poland, Argentina, Australia, Russia, and Japan. More 
info as well as video available for media use of today's action can be found at

After occupying all three shipping and receiving entrances to the Seminis 
facility using flashy theatrics including a car with a giant "fish-corn" on top 
of it and a 6-foot high jail cell complete with someone dressed up like the CEO 
Hugh Grant of Monsanto inside. Eventually the fire department was called in and 
anti-GMO activists were arrested and charged.

"The reason I am occupying Monsanto and willing to put myself at risk of arrest 
is because Monsanto has genetically engineered food crops to contain novel 
untested compounds that result in more weed killer sprayed on our food, without 
informing consumers. Unlike most industrialized countries including every 
country in Europe, Japan and even China, in America right now there are no 
labels on our food informing us whether we are eating GMOs or not. We have a 
right to opt out of this experiement: it's not up to chemical companies what I 
feed myself and my family. Monsanto has bought and sold both parties and has 
handpicked henchmen at FDA and USDA making sure we are kept in the dark. 
Monsanto is also currently fighting the California Prop 37 GMO labeling 
initiative that would give consumers the right to know if they are eating GMO 
foods," said GCU member Ariel Vegosen.

The GCU arrived onsite wearing bio-hazmat suits and with giant banners saying 
the "99% V. Monsanto" and "Seminis and Monsanto bringing weed killer GMO food to 
your table." Next week there will be more protests all over the nation.

"In the name of Wall Street profits, chemical corporations such as Monsanto 
genetically engineer crops to withstand high doses of their toxic weed killers 
that contaminate our food and water, and have not been proven safe. We deserve 
to know what we are eating and we should put the GMO crops back in the lab and 
off the kitchen table.  The US chemical lobby has so far made sure Americans are 
kept in the dark and we are tired of inaction by Obama," said GCU unit member 
Rica Madrid.

"We are here today in civil disobedience because we believe strongly that we 
have no other option," said GCU unit member David Pillar. "It's time for healthy 
food now."

On Sept. 17, 2012 Occupy Monsanto is calling for hundreds of actions 

The GE News Service is aggregated and distributed by EFA Board Member Thomas Wittman.  Thomas created this service in 1991 to provide the latest news about genetically engineered foods and the movement advocating for labeling and public awareness.  To contact Thomas, email

The Ecological Farming Association nurtures healthy, just food systems and communities
by bringing people together for education, alliance building, and celebration.  
To learn more, visit

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Ecological Farming Association
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